Wednesday, February 5, 2014

So Far So Good ... almost.

As of today, day 24 days out of 40 from the official start of the 30/40 day challenge, I have done 18 hot yoga classes as Sumit Hot Yoga, Columbia.   I am feeling strong and am taking names.   However a little thing called Mother Nature is getting in my way, that and about 10 inch's of snow.  I only have to do another 12 in 16, if this snow will end I still can make this happen.

The diet has also been going strong.  I have officially been in good blood sugar for 23 days.  I have not had even a cookie since I turned my mind to doing this.  While this has left good, I do believe that a filo brownie from Addison is in my future. This diet requires you to have extras, however so far nothing has been worth it. Thus no alcohol or chocolate have passed these lips. Somehow having a short time frame has given me strength to say no to a lot of sugar.  I know, that someday, I will be able to have it again, just not now.

So to get back to Mother Natures imposed hot yoga hiatus. Saturday I could not get there as we got 1/4 inch of ice on everything.  So did not go anywhere that day.  Was able to go Sunday and Monday so kicked some yoga tushy.   Tuesday the snow started and have not been able to go for two days. This is the longest break I have taken since starting this challenge.  I wanted to do my best to do more then necessary now I am just worried about getting to 30.

To make matters a little more tentative I fell on my drive way and jammed my arm by landing on my wrist.  The compression landed in my elbow.  This is an elbow I dislocated as a child so really happy it held up and there seems to be no major injury.  The joint is sore with a little internal bruising.  So doing the flows might be a little challenging for a few days, assuming I can get back to class.

So the question of how this is affecting my body must be addressed. As you may know I don't weight in.  I find the numbers make me nuts and frankly I have too much of a monthly flow of up and down, due to cycle changes, that the number only serve to confuse the situation.  I can say that my clothing fit much better and my face looks much smaller in the mirror.  I may have even lost a chin... still at least one more to go however.

My energy level is up and I feel more in control of my flow of energy and emotions, the result of the blood sugar balance.  The normal swelling I get my feet is down substantially as well.  I am on the way to getting in charge of this situation.

I am recording my food intake and my workout's on my IPhone with My Fitness Pal and using my Fitbit to track my steps.  So far this is keeping me honest and on track.  I need to keep doing this or would be easy to go off the course and sneak snacks other then the ones I am having with my diet.  So I will keep myself honest with this system.

As for Yoga revelations, I have had a couple rather good over the last few weeks.  The first one has to do with breathing and the second one is about focus.  I will save the second one for my next post.  Just to build some suspense.  Hehe

So, I was laying on the mat taking a break, as I like to do, just relaxing and catching my breath.  I was working on a yogic breath where you slightly block your exhales to elongate them and make the breathing purposeful.   All of this breathing is done through the nose by the way.  I am sure there an official name for this.  Anyway, I was thinking on it and decided to let my body dictate the speed of that exhale by concentrating on letting my body control the rise and fall of my chest not my mind.  So by letting my body control this action I was able to substantially elongate my breathing especially the exhales.

This breathing, when done well, has a little snore sound that goes along with. This may make others wonder if you have a cold or are OK, so be aware of that. Over the last couple weeks I have gotten to the point where my exhales go for about a slow count of 14 and my inhales are ranging around 9.  These lengths are over double what I was doing before.  This also has had the most relaxing effect on the body and mind.  By cutting the mind out of it and allowing the body to do the work the mind down sifts and chills out.

While this breathing is great for the breaks, I have a long way to go to be able to sustain this in full positions.
Will report back as this progresses in my practice.

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