Sunday, November 23, 2014

Who moved my Cheese

If you have not watched the video or read the book, "Who Moved my Cheese", you probably should do so.  It is based on the analogy of these characters stuck in a maze with the cheese, at Cheese Station C, starting to dwindle and eventually disappear. The four types of characters all react differently to this change.  Some run off immediately in the search for new cheese, while others are determined to stick it out till the cheese comes back in its regular abundance.

The premise of this book is that people get comfortable and like their routine.  They get used to having what they need provided with this routine.  Then, as things start to get less ideal, for various reasons, people by nature are not inclined to move on and find a new world.  People need to be sufficiently uncomfortable in their existing situation, what ever it be, to spur action.   This goes along with basic Needs Theory.  Until a person feels enough pressure created by a need or want they will not go out and seek.

So how does one know when their cheese, so to speak, is starting to change.  Maybe it is getting kind of stinky or a little ripe.  Maybe it is starting to dwindle.  One usually tries to deny the changes.

In my past I have not been the first off the block when things started to get off.  I generally stuck things out thinking justice, karma and hard work would make it all OK.   Yet it seldom was OK, it often did not get better, and usually signaled the need for eventual change.   What would have happened if I jumped off at that time when I just started to feel the change in the air, instead of waiting for, "every little thing is going to be all right"?

People change jobs more often than in the past.  In the Traditionalist and Baby Boomer Generations a person may have had a small handful of employers in their day.  As we move up the generations the average number of jobs has increased and increased.   At this point, not including part-jobs through college I have had eight major professional jobs.  This number is not uncommon, and I still realistically have 20 more years to work.  The chances that my current employer will be my last,  is pretty much zero.

I saw this quote the other day and it really hit home "Karma comes to those that roll with it." Would my career path have changed if I rolled with Karma.   I believe in Karma, and have felt it's force in my life.   I often have likened it to that feeling when you are floating down a river in a canoe and you see the V the river is making.  You have to steer into the V.  Be the V, if you will.  Then your canoe will go with the river, and baring any downed trees, this is usually the safest path.  

So why wait.  Why the anxiety of change and feeling of sadness.  Why not put on those running shoes and dive into the change, looking for the next clear path, the next V that will take us on our career journey.   Is it fear of the unknown, questions of self worth or fear of rejection that keeps us from looking for new cheese.

This time I plan to have my eyes open and take a run around the maze, every now and again, even if my cheese still seems fine.  It might look just fine, however that does not mean it is the right cheese for me.  Hell, I am allergic to milk for the love of god.   I am tying those shoe laces tight and will be looking for the next V.  See you there.

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