Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Proving it to yourself.

Day 28:  

Not sure why I need to prove so much to myself.  At this point I would be fine without proving this one.  

So back in '94 I was traveling in Israel and I wanted to learn Reiki.  Anyone who has taken reiki or experienced reiki knows it is an energy healing system that a person is attuned to in order to be able to help transfer energy towards those that need it for healing.  So I was in Jerusalem and was studying spirituality among other things.   I wanted to learn Reiki but I wanted to learn it in terms of the Jewish Spiritual base I was experiencing.   I found a religious Jewish women who taught reiki and she was willing to do a private session for me to learn.  I was really excited about this.  

So the morning I was to get up and take my first of three days of classes on Reiki I pulled out my back.  I had been saying in a hostel in the old city of Jerusalem in the Jewish Quarter.  I called the lady and told her what happened. She told me that I was obviously an analytic person and I need proof to believe in things.  So I had hurt my back so that I could heal myself with Reiki and thus have a stronger connection to the process.  So I lunged myself across the city by bus and took the classes learning that I could certainly help to heal myself with the energy of Reiki.  

So what does this have to do with my 30 day challenge.  I woke up this morning feeling pretty badly.  I officially have Joel's cold or what ever it is.  My eyes are hot and my nose is stuffy and I feel like a bag of dirt.  Yet I had to get up and go do hot yoga anyway.  I can't stop you see.  I have only two days left after today and no time for makes ups.  I could do a double one day but there is no guarantee I will feel better tomorrow, so can't take any chances.  

So I wish I could tell you I feel perfect after the class.  But no.  I don' feel worse. I was able to do a lot of the class and took a little more breaks that normal.  So the real question is how will I feel tomorrow.  Will pushing through and doing the class today help this work through my system faster.  Only time will tell.  

We will see how I feel tomorrow.  Wish me luck.  

1 comment:

  1. I bet the sweating will help alot! Keep going. So proud.
